Our Goal Is Provide You With The Best Possible Internet Experience. Achieving That Goal Requires Collection Of Information. All Of The Information We Collect Is Required For The Operation Of Our Internet Service.
Anonymous User Information
We collect information about each user that connects to our web site. Examples include the browser type, computer operating system, screen resolution, URL of the referring web site, the data and time of the visit, click path through the site, and your IP address. SkyWire uses this information to evaluate the usability of our web site and to improve the overall operation of the web site.
Personal Information
SkyWire collects additional information if you sign up for the SkyWire Internet service. Examples include your name, address, phone number and email address. SkyWire uses this information to set up user accounts and to invoice each customer.
Credit Card Information
SkyWire collects additional information if you pay SkyWire with a credit card. Examples include the credit card type, number, expiration data, CVV code, and billing address of the credit card. SkyWire uses this information to process credit card transactions. None of this information is stored on equipment that SkyWire owns or operates. All credit card related information is stored on our credit card processor’s secured servers.
Security And Confidentiality
SkyWire only uses the information collected to improve our service and to perform accounting functions. All information is protected using industry standard methods and is not sold to any outside party. However we can not guarantee that your information will not be disclosed, altered, or destroyed by unauthorized acts of others or accidental circumstances. SkyWire is committed to protecting your information by periodically reviewing our information security methods to ensure we are following the best practices of the industry.

Please email us if you have any questions about this policy at info@VASkyWire.com